Inverse Bode Plot – Control Systems

This video tutorial on Inverse Bode Plot from Control System explains inverse bode plot using an example. In Bode plot, we are given a transfer function from which we have to find the stability of the s...

Bode Plot – Control Systems

This video tutorial on Bode Plot from Control System explains bode plot using an example. If a transfer function is given and we need to plot frequency response and magnitude response and the check wheth...

Routh Stability Criteria- Part 2

This video explains the Routh Array or stability criteria of a system with a different type of example. Step by step detailed explanation of how to determine the stability of a given equation or system. ...

Routh Stability Criteria with example

This video explains the Routh Array or stability criteria of a system with an basic example. Step by step detailed explanation of how to determine the stability of a given equation or system. ...

How to read deleted WhatsApp messages

In this video, we have shown how you can read the deleted messages using an Andriod App. I hope you enjoy it. To read the deleted messages you need to install this application: